Sunday, July 29, 2007

Thinkin back on an old subject

I was watching TV and i saw that Peta was bitching about something today. i was thinking that sometimes we seriously have way to much freedom. i cant stand people that are always fighting about animal rights. i mean don't get me wrong i like animals but i don't love them i like people better. i just feel like there's way to many people starving in the world to be whoring about dolphins or seals or something like that. now you hear about Michael Vick is being investigated for dog fighting. I think dog fighting is a really bad thing to do, but do i think he should go to jail for it not really. i think they need to give him a BIG!!!!! fine and probation for it, not go to jail, he didn't kill anyone. I mean if he wanted to see blood Watch UFC, all I'm saying there's way more important thing to figure out in this country. like so many unsolved murders or the murders that go unsolved the the U.S. Mexico Borders. maybe because i been raised like a Mexican and usually Mexicans do not treat animals like equals. I mean my culture has rooster fight and bull fighting maybe that's why i don't see it like such a bad thing i don't approve it but i don't think it should be something to raise hell over it. What do u guys think i want to hear for other prospective.


Kayte said...

PETA is notoriously a bad example of level-headedness in the animal rights debate. And it's unfortunate, because they're one of the few big names in animal rights... at least that I know of. There's a big difference between thinking animals deserve certain rights, and thinking they ought to be equal to or even above human beings. Fanatics of any issue are usually gonna take things a step or so too far. But there are some really legitimate arguments to be made for animal rights, and if you haven't ever taken the time to think about them, you probably should, especially if you ever eat meat, dairy or eggs, wear or use fur or leather products, visit zoos or circuses where animals are involved, or use products are tested on animals. At the end of the day, that amounts to damn near all of us, except for the 5th level vegans out there. There are some truly awful things that happen to animals, and they're rarely for noble intentions. I don't argue that animals testing out experimental treatments isn't a noble sacrifice on their part for the greater good, and animal meat and products are delicious, but they don't have to be harvested in such brutal ways. And shit like a fur coat made of 65 chinchillas (fuck you Puff Daddy) or an elephant being whipped into wearing feathers and sequins in the name of entertainment is just insane and as inhumane as it gets.

I guess if you have already educated yourself on the issues behind animal rights and still don't see them as that big of a deal, that's fair enough. But I've known people who purposefully refuse to watch videos of animal cruelty because they "still want to be able to eat hamburgers." And I think that's just a tad bit hypocritical. I wouldn't say that bitching about animal rights is an example of having too much freedom though. Are you basically arguing that because you don't agree with their views that they shouldn't have the freedom to express them? And that people should be told what issues they're allowed to bitch about? Oh, and did you man to say people were whoring about dolphins and seals? I don't really get how whoring yourself would even accomplish anything in that sense, but it would make for a great story. :]

Sean Park said...

i don't think dog fighting should be allowed at all but that punishment for Michael Vick seems a little harsh. I'm honestly not too big of a fan of PETA and it made me think twice about eating KFC after watching the videos. Those videos they have are gruesome but i guess thats just how animals are treated. But anyways, i say SAVE MICHAEL VICK!

Ann said...

how about this: in our country, animals have more laws protecting them than children. isn't that something?

i'm not saying that i'm against animal rights and the ethical treatment of them because i'm all for that (i would never support Barnum and Bailey or Proctor and Gamble who test on animals with their products ... such as Crest toothpaste) but at the same time we do need to look at how we take care of humans as well

Randy said...
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Randy said...

Yeah. P. Diddy's kind of a dick.

Kayte said...

Damn, that's pretty amazing that animals have more laws protecting them than children...

It's like how there are places where you can get your pets married, but gay marriage is still illegal in nearly every state in America. We're just a liiiitle bassackwards in this country. :[