Sunday, July 15, 2007


Winston... could they have made a less likable person? He is so boring to me I can't stand it! I have read this book before and I still don't like him. Anyway...
So about this brainwashing thing... I sometimes feel that advertisements and everything else in society brainwashes us just as in 1984, of course not as extreme. Do you ever feel like a prole? Like a law abiding robot? With advertisements everywhere (like at the gas station as Mina mentioned) how could you help but be influenced by them? Let's face it, our society has developed itself into a perfect brainwashing system, just as in 1984. Winston (in my mind) represents individual freedom. He obviously has to follow cerain rules of his society, but he also defies his government with his journal/thoughts, that is how he is free.
I think that 1984 is the perfect exaggeration of what life is really like.


Stephanie said...

I don't like Winston either. He's not boring, but he is certainly perverse.

Linda said...

yea i think he is boring to, but at the same time i think this all has a deeper meaning.