Thursday, July 5, 2007

FEEL FREE to begin your discussion...

Just to kick it off, I will throw out a question: Do you feel free? Why or why not?

For this one, instead of creating new postings, just respond to this one,



Kayte said...

Uh, well, this won't be a great way to start things off, but here goes!

I feel free most of the time. I stepped into the sun during the shadow exercise. It didn't take long for me to rationalize why. There are certainly loads of times in my life when I don't feel free- each time I go to school, head off to work, agree to do something with or for someone else, or look around my cluttered room or house, lamenting the lack of time or energy I have to clean it... but that feeling of restriction is fleeting, because every time I leave class or work, or am thanked for taking the time to drive someone home and/or listen to their problems, or take advantage of a sudden burst of energy and tidy up my living space, I feel relieved that I took the responsibility in the first place. I feel proud of myself, and I look forward to that same feeling again the next time I have to trudge through something I don't wanna do.

And, of course, with all those things too, I always know that I'm free at any time to stop doing any or all of them. I could always drop out of college, look for a different job, have my friends fend for themselves, and basically do whatever in the hell I want. I've done it before. It's fun as all get-out, and I miss the days of having nothing but time on my hands a lot sometimes, but- I dunno, with great "freedom comes great responsibility," as was said in class. But I don't even think that's the Spider-Man quote, I think it was "With great power..." but whatever. It's still a perfectly valid quote. I've found that I feel a lot better about myself when I do what is right rather than what is easy. (Harry Potter quote alert!)

You guys wait and see, there're gonna be plenty more cinema quotes by me before the quarter's over... though I'm usually more about TV...

*cough* Thank you for your time.

Betty said...

I feel free enough. I mean, ideally none of us would have to worry about getting parking tickets, running late for class, or even being brainwashed by Tommy Hilfiger ads, but I guess that's all stuff we've learned to live with.

I think the older we get, the more responsibilities we take on and with all of these new responsibilities, we feel less and less free. At least I do. I feel like as I grow and mature and learn new things, there are new standards constantly being placed on me and I have to live up to them. Well, we're always trying to strive for more and climb higher oh whatever ladder we're climbing, so it's like I can never stop and take a break and actually feel free.

But none of this is to say that I am not happy with how much freedom I feel I have. I know we're all lucky here not to have to worry about bombs and stuff like that. Anyways, the bottom line is, I have enough freedom to keep me satisfied and quiet .

Aleli Ann said...

I do not go to movies or parties not because I am not allowed to, but because I‘m not into those kinds of things. I am not an outgoing type of person; I prefer reading books or watching television at home and that is my way of having fun. It’s just who I am. I am happy and contented with my life and so I consider myself free.

Sherwin said...

I do kind of feel free because I have the choice to go to college, choice to be in class, choice to dress what ever I want, and you get the point. I feel free because no one is stopping me and I feel that I have to make the choices.