Saturday, July 28, 2007

Essay Writing

Hello All,

I thought I would quote a little exchange between your classmate and me that might give you some idea of what I think you can and should do with your essays:

Hey Mr. Maxwell

What should I do if I can't find the answers to my questions? Ditch them and pick easier ones, right?

But what if there's no real answer, just a likely one?

Hi Melody,

Your questions, both here and on the blog [e.g. "How profound does it have to be?] are among the most important there are. I know you already know the answers to all of them.

Go deep.
Look for answers that only might be right but which seem right to you.
Take risks.
Make the strongest case you can for your ideas.
Modify your assertions according to the evidence.


Thanks? and yes.

...I was hoping for an easier (and more unsatisfactory) answer, so I would have the freedom to write an easier (and equally unsatisfactory) essay.

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