Monday, July 2, 2007

The Human Species and The individual/ First Day Of Class

In regards to the previous posts. I agree in full swing with the concept of advertising, especially to the younger demographic as being a ( standard of looks) setting point. We see slim bodies and perfectly formed atoms telling us what shampoo to buy or what way is the correct way to use cell phones and all of their feature's. Ads perfectly formed to trigger subconscious activity in our brian's.

I think we need to look at our society as a species. Were did we go wrong, where we use a concept of advertising to sell to the masses. Where did we go wrong when we enslaved people of different color. If you were to look at the blood of a white man or woman and a black man or woman you would see no fucking difference. The bones, the flesh underneath the skin, is all scientifically classified as human. We are the same species yet, we and when I say we I am talking about the sector of the population that believed and still believes these crimes were correct back then and still now in certain parts of the world. I come to a partial conclusion in regards to space and time that there has been a stupidity gene bred since the dawn of time. We know from history that there has been violence and that we all seem to accept that violence is just a part of our design. 4 million years ago our body's were covered in hair. ( for those that believe in evolution) If we take a look at ourselves our evolution has made us ready for the current pass of the century. Yet you would think that our species would have developed and corrected the gene of violence. There are hundreds of books on evolutionary psychology, that describe in great detail our ancestral footsteps. This may be going out on a limb but I do think it ties in to the initial concept of what we have learned to accept as POPULAR or IN. Look at MTV and how trends flow in and out. If you are too look at any recent rap or hip hop video you will see booty shaking I guess now known as BUTT CLAPPING. Whats even better is its shown in slow motion so everyone gets to see the detail of each butt check moving as a tidal wave towards the other.
Now the so called armatures of the night clubs and at party's are BUTT CLAPPING away!

In other terms I do think that if you want to seek a
physique much like what we see on TV, or in advertising you should. There is nothing wrong with being in shape or taking care of your body.
Its known medically that having less fat on your body prevents many bad disease's. The people we see on TV never turn a switch and then kaboom they are these great looking people. It takes a hard work and a level of consistency to maintain a physic like that. I guess what I am trying to say is that I applaud them for their efforts in a health sense.

Although if you want to take a ride on alternative advertising try looking at some plus size women catalogs. We are so convinced and almost programed to know that a plus size woman may not sell many i pods. But a plus size woman can sell plus size clothes. I also think that our professor Mr. Maxwell did us a favor by dissecting the advertisement shown in class today. Some of us have never looked close enough to care but as soon as we do we will have a better understanding of how, sadly our advertising works. It was a pleasure... Thanks!

Happy Butt Clapping


1 comment:

Sean Park said...

I never ever looked at an ad like the way we did in class today. I was quite amazed at how tiny things in the ad could mean so much.