Tuesday, August 7, 2007

After we had a debate on torture I found this video. U.S. soldier casually talking about torturing Iraqi prisoners and raping a 15 year girl until she hang herself. I was pro torture for a good cause like someone mentioned earlier. I was pro torture because I thought if using torture could save millions of lives, I thought it is worth it. After watching this video, this is just wrong...


Emily said...

People like THAT should be tortured and raped as punishment! They were torturing people for sport, not for information... that's just wrong.

ALe said...

Omg, I know. I wanna kick that guy's ass so bad...

Linda said...

thats true what he did is wrong, but i think its more for fame and to look good.. if you haven't already noticed they don't show is face at all.. so maybe the discussion we had in class is true they were just doing it to get atention

Alan said...

We talked about this in class, whether or not it's real footage. In one sense, however, the question of whether this particular event is veridical is, to me, irrelevant. We know this happens, we know that the guys the military recruits are not the ones with the best morals, and we know it happens openly and frequently in underdeveloped countries, like in Africa. So why all the fuzz about whether or not this guy is true? He may not be true, this may be a segment from a fictitious movie, but it does bring an important point about torture and the treatment of citizens of foreign countries.