Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Reinstating the Draft

The draft is something many people oppose to because being a country that "promotes freedom", the draft will fully remove freedom. With the draft we would no longer have a choice to join the army, I don't know if having no choice is good or bad because we are at war right now and just as the prompt for our midterm proposed, we need people to serve in the war to "protect our safety". Therefore I would not have a problem once the Draft would be instated because there would be nothing I could do about it, I would have to attend. Just as Sean told us that in Korea everyone has serve and he is just waiting for his time because he knows that he has to go. However, the problem that I have with the draft here, and I dont know if it is also true in Korea, is that it is not fair. As we have seen in previous drafts, there are some individuals who excused themselves from attending (Bush) and I dont thing that's fair. Therefore the only way I would accept the draft is that if it was fair, and everyone had to serve their term no matter what they do or how much power/money they hold because we are all part of this country therefore everyone should serve so that there is no resentment from anyone. But I will say that a fair draft is highly unattainable or unlikely to happen because those who believe that for some apparent reason or that they have a special privilege to not serve the country would create controversy and chaos.

1 comment:

Sean Park said...

definitely agree with you Martin. I mean there are always those that slide by the draft because of "special" issues but in Korea, most people are required to go no matter what or else the whole country goes ballistic and that person will eventually have to end up going in order to go on with their lives somehow. Celebrities are no excuse and theres been cases where some celebrities tried to run off to America and such but now these few celebrities have been banned from entering Korea. All in all, i sometimes have mixed feelings too but theres not much i can do about it.