Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Big Brother, the us edition

please read this article. its about how president bush is pushing the house to follow the senate to allow the eavesdropping of foreigners by monitering their communication routed through US networks and websites. The only thing slowing it down is the Supreme Court who wants to make sure US citizens are "protected" from this eavesdropping. So torture might be the next step in our government trying to police the world. maybe soon we can get the first newspeak dictionaries.


jennifer said...

That's so weird, becasue I used President Bush in my 1984 vs. 2007 essay. I said that he sort of reseambled BigBrother.

Zack said...

This is very scary stuff. Hanh, I linked this in my portfolio (Thanks!), but before doing the direct link, I went on CNN's website to see what else I could find on the matter. After few searches, I found nothing. I may have not used the right key words, I mean how could "spying" relate? This stuff is starting to make me angry, all in the name of national security they say.