Monday, August 6, 2007

Torture debate discussion...

During class today, we had to choose side to debate on torturing. I chose to be for torture but then Maxwell switched sides. Instead of being for torture, I was against torture. It was kind of hard coming up with claims, ideas, and examples to debate against the other opponent. I think I do want to change sides saying that torture is a good idea. I also agree to Levin's discussion on Torture. What really got me in class was the Medicine torture. When Han (sorry if i get your name wrong), discussed about drug torture such as LSD, i thought to myself, that is part of drugging someone. When someone is drugged when when he/she doesn't want to, I believe that is also torture. When secretively someone puts a drug in your drink and later on take you to spill out information, I do think that it is part of being torture. My position will change probably because I have more claims to the other side.

1 comment:

mina said...

tI honestly think giving drugs is a better way to get the truth out than physicaly torturing someone. When I think of torture, I imagine someone getting beaten up. I hate violence and being under the influence of drugs seems less painful in my eyes.