Monday, August 6, 2007


Well I finally got a gmail account so next time (evil laugh) I will flood the internet as I did the classroom. Since I am still stuck in the protorture mode from the debate I will show case that side.

information-although torture does not guarentee correct information, it does give more then doing nothing. In addition the different lies that have been recieved can help show what is the answer they are trying to avoid. Watch Numbers if you don't believe it is possible.

it's unconstitutional- trust me on this one the constitution is like a treaty- it is obeyed until broken. The constitution has been broken and "interpreted" repeatedly and torture is technically forbidden in cruel and unusual punishments. However it has been used in the past until the constitution was applied to the states. This is using an authority to justify your position, but it doesn't work against people who have read the constitution and know history.

Drugs- how you guys consider addling someones brains with drugs not a form of torture is beyond me. I am pretty sure that if you said drugs only they would use them recklessesly because it gives you the option to manipulate other peoples mind. Not a power you would want to give anyone.

It is evil-The only real objection, all others are justification for it. And its true. My counter? So is killing innocent people, and unprovoked wars and stockpiling nukes and well you get the idea. We are quite literally running out of atrocities. We already torture people for the heck of it in Gitmo; the only difference is we are using a case where it will get results.


Emily said...

I thought you were completely against torture? Isn't that why you were fighting for the opposite cause? Did looking from the other perspective change your outlook on the subject?
Well, I completely agree with you! Innocent lives should not be lost because of the limitations our government has given itself.

jennifer said...

Well, I totally agree with you on the drug part. I mean, when you have someone who you are going to torture for answers, whatever they tell you, you will believe becasue you are 'answer hungry' (Is that correct word?) You get what I'm saying?

Alan said...

I think that since we're a capitalist nation--built on businessses that are based not on theory but on profits, actual hard money. We're in a lot of ways based on results, we don't really care about any philosophical or moral concerns if they won't pay the bills.
In this sense, looking at torture from a purely practical view, whether it will give us the results/information that we want, makes us lose touch with ourselves and what it will make us. I think sacrificing the ethical aspect of torture for hard results is sacrificing some of our humanity (is superior intellect the only difference between us and the animals? what role do values/virtues play?).
When you say that "So is killing innocent people, and unprovoked wars and stockpiling nukes and well you get the idea" you are assuming that just because we do wrongs in one area, that we must do wrongs in all areas. That's actually a fallacy: two wrongs don't make a right.