Monday, August 6, 2007

After the debate, I still firmly believe that torture should be permissable (in the right circumstances of course, when innocent lives are at stake). Although my anti-torture team brought up some very good points, I still think that using torture as a means to save people's lives is totally worth it. Levin made a point that touched me close to home when he imposed the question, "What would you do if a terriorist kidnapped your baby?" To be honest, I would cut off their fingers and pull out their teeth, one by one, until I got some answers. And whether those answers are correct or not, I would still take that chance to get my baby back. And it doesn't even have to be my baby. It could be anyone's baby for all I care. Anyway, I value everyone's opinion but ask yourself this...if it was your family or someone you loved was on that ship about to be blown up by a terriost, wouldn't you do everything in your power to get some answers and stop the bombing...even if it meant torturing the person who was behind it all? Yeah...I thought so.

1 comment:

Alan said...

I think most people of the world would, indeed, go to great lenghts to recover a loved one. However, the scenario usually posed is of a feeble family member vs a rugged and fiendishly scary guy. Well, of course he must get what's coming to him. But what if instead of your traditional bad guy, the persom whom you had to torture was a grandma, or a 15 year-old?