Monday, August 6, 2007

Torture again.

After today's class, i realized that i don't believe in torture anymore. I made a post about this last night after i read the essay and my initial reaction to it was that i support torturing also but today's debate changed a lot of things for me. When we were told to argue the opposite belief, i thought i was going to face many troubles in coming up with arguments but instead, i found that i had many reasons to not support torture. New ideas came to my mind and i realized that i was actually against torture and what Zack commented on my post last night made me think again also. Good job Zack, you made me change my mind haha.


Han said...

forsheezy my neezy

Zack said...

I'm glad I could help...

jennifer said...

yeah, I totally understand what you're saying, Sean. I was FOR tortue before we had the debate. While we were getting some arguments for our debate, I thought through my thoughts again, and found out that torture isn't the only solution. Good job to the other team :]