Monday, August 6, 2007


Torture is a definite no no. so many of our freedoms and rights have been impeded in the name of protecting lives and justice. i dont know if anyone here has heard of the patriot act or not but i believe is a prime example of what BS the government can think of doing to protect us. Post the destruction of the World Trade Center, the government decided domestic spying would help prevent such terroristic events. If the government can spy on its own people and take away our privacy so we wouldn't plan attacks on ourselves what's next?

I suppose the legitimization of torture would be the next step in eradication of our rights endowed? Who is supposed to know who to torture? Who is supposed to be monitoring those torturing its people? true it may save thousands lives one day, but what about those who would be innocently tortured everyday until they day it "might" payoff? This torture business is bringing us one step closer totalitarianism. Yesterday they were allowed to spy on us, today they can torture us "with good reason, possibly reasonable doubt" and tomorrow who knows? maybe they can just kill us on the spot if we aren't using our newspeak dictionary correctly.

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