History reports that our country has always targeted a minority group to make them unequal than everyone else. When the first Europeans settled in the east coast they targeted Indian Americans because they considered themselves better and because they did not want any competition. After that, it was the Africans turn; they were treated as less than human being, forced to serve as slaves. Then they followed with the Asians because of war with Asian countries at the time. You would think that as human beings we learn from the past and make progress in our ideas of how humans we treat each other. But no, we have the same problem today. The issue I am addressing in Immigration Laws, our larders are proposing bill to legalize illegal, and this would benefit many people of different ethnicities. However, since Hispanics are the majority, they are the main target today. Therefore, we must as a society learn from our mistakes and change our ideals of superiority to have a country with actually more freedom and justice for all.
People especially Hispanics immigrate to this country in search of a better financial opportunity because the one offered in their country is not good. Their main reason for making this huge decision is so that their kids more freedom to decide what they want to do with their lives. also of course so that they themselves can have more freedom. Is there anything wrong with that?
We live in a country that promotes freedom as being its number one priority. In grade school we are somewhat forced to recite the “Pledge of Allegiance” because we are trained to just recite it as robots would. The “Pledge of Allegiance” states that we are “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” This phrase shows our country as a hero because it is fair and just for everyone and it provides freedom. But these are just words made up by people who to fool everyone into believing a false image of our country.
Our country does not at all provide liberty and justice for all. We are divided into two groups, Democrats and Republicans. Democrats protect more the rights of middle and lower class, and that Republicans usually protect the rights of the wealthy. Thus, always leaving us with a president that is leaned more to one side than the other.
Our current president is George W. republican that I consider corrupt because he only passes and rejects bills to benefit the wealthy. As a result, he has not been supportive of a bill to aid millions of people who are mostly of middle or lower class by legalizing them in the country. Since the beginning of his term, immigration has been one of the escalating issues that are part of our society. His negative attitude toward the issue has stirred up a lot of commotion in support and against aid to legalized illegal immigrants.
Many people who are in support of a reform law have responded to this issue as Martin Luther King, Jr. responded to the civil rights movement, “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a country where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” (271). They ask themselves why they are being persecuted for trying to make a better for themselves and their family on the basis of their skin color and their origin. I agree with them that it is not fair that they have to give up their hopes and dreams because others consider their skin color and origin is wrong.
I along with millions of other demonstrators have marched down the streets like Martin Luther King, Jr. in hopes of influencing for a change. They do not deserved to be treated as less than they are, therefore we are doing something about it by demonstrating in the streets but with out any bloodshed and with respect to the country to show. All we do is demonstrate in the streets and shout what we think is right but in a respectful manner, because we also carry around the American flag to show that we value and appreciate this country how. Therefore why is it so hard for the country to give them something that is just.
The results of these actions have not been favorable to the Hispanic community. Government not in full agreement yet to pass a reform law and authorities have become very hostile to mainly the Hispanics in this country. The ICE police have been going around to Hispanic family homes and to deport them. However, the ICE police are nothing but nice, they go in the house and torture my people by beating, shoving them, and yelling at them. They treat Hispanics as criminals, when really all they are guilty of is trying to make a better life for themselves.
I saw on Univision news a case where the ICE police had gone to a house in search of Hispanics to deport. They were a group of men who were drinking and having a good time at their house. When they saw the ICE police storm into their house as if in search of a criminal they were confused because they did not know what was going on. The ICE police began to arrest them but they resisted because they did not know what was going on. There was a single man who would not comply so the ICE police beat him until he was unconscious. Then they just threw him in the van and took him to Mexico without proving any medical assistance. Luckily, he was rushed to the hospital in Mexico and his life was saved. But the results of the beating left him unable to walk and with many bruises and fracture in his body. The sad part of the whole story is that he is an American Citizen, and this frightens me because that means this can also happen to me.
We are all human beings. There are many sources like the “Pledge of Allegiance” and the “Declaration of Independence” that give this country an image of providing freedom, justice, and equality for all. But with events like the civil rights movements and the issued of a reform law today that image is shattered. The people who experience this live in fear and panic because they fear that they will come and get them. They are deprived of their freedom that this country proudly promotes. Therefore, we must shatter the idea of superiority and see each other as equals to have the life of “liberty and justice for all.” that this country promotes.
Works Cited
King Jt., M.L. (1963). 75 Readings across the curriculum, I Have A Dream (pp. 268-272). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
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