Thursday, August 9, 2007

Marriage Rights

Currently, it is illegal for gay and lesbian couples to be lawfully married. The majority of Americans disapprove of homosexual marriages because they have conservative views of marriage being only between a man and a woman. If all men are created equal, than everyone including gay and lesbian couples should have the right to marry. Marriage is a commitment for two individuals to live together as domestic partners and having legal recognition there are many benefits that follow. People have negative views on gay marriages, because of religious beliefs, but by law religion should be separate from the state. Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and because this law on marriage is disregarding the gay community I refuse to legally marry until there is a change.
Gay marriage is not legalized today in the U.S., because there is oppression taking place on the gay community. The conservatives in our society wants to limit this minority from their rights, because it is a reminder to the gay community that they are a lesser than human than those of us who are heterosexuals. There are many benefits for society if everyone legally has the right to get married, because there will be more people making decisions that will make them happy and satisfied. If everyone is granted with this right, it does not make a negative impact on society but a positive one. While the majority of the people are heterosexuals, why should this group of people make decisions for the homosexuals? A preference in a person’s partner does not determine superiority or inferiority, it is their own personal choice that should not be judged. People who are against the rights for homosexuals are clearly close minded, because a marriage between a gay couple should not affect the quality of others’ life. There should be a change because clearly this minority’s best interest is not taken into consideration.
In Henry David Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience”, he explains how generally people have the tendency to follow the majority’s favor ,
“After all, the practical reason why, when the power is once in the hands of the people, a majority are permitted, and for a long period continue, to rule not because they are most likely to be in the right, nor because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are physically the strongest”.
This is similar to what is going on with the legal action on gay marriages. For centuries marriage has been only conducted between a man and a woman, and although we live in a time now where we all understand that every individual is granted with equal human rights, the government enforcing this law still wants to keep control over this minority. I have read news articles on how people rally, protest, and march, but I do not understand why it is taking this country so long to legalize this entitlement. We cannot be stuck in our old ways, because by doing so we are not making a difference in our community. By standing up an voicing our opinion, we will make a difference. Thoreau wrote, “For it matters not how small the beginning may seem to be: what is once well done is done for ever”. Meaning, a small act of rebellion at first will not make a significant difference, but it is a beginning on a possible impact on society.
Although I am too young to think about marriage, I do not see myself getting married when I have friends and neighbors who are not given the same freedom I have. Refusing marriage is a form of protesting, but in order to make a change it is also important to be active in protests and petitions. I have volunteered several times for GLAAD, which is a non-profit gay and lesbian organization and their purpose is to promote a better image on the gay community. They are actively involved in gaining rights and respect for the community and this is my start of trying to make a difference.
Gay couples should not settle with commitment ceremonies, they deserve the right to be legally together. There are many other countries that have already made a transition from the old ways, and our country should join in on the wagon. Everyone should set aside their homophobic views and face the fact that we are all created equal and deserve the same rights.

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