Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Persuaders at Work with the Water

The craze of bottled water is a national obsession but tap water is usually safer for you, and often better tasting too. Using a hidden camera, Penn & Teller will take a look at the obsession.

Warning: Mild swearing


Zack said...

This is a tricky debate. Yes, our local water is cleaner at the filtration plant, but then what happens in the pipes? Many neighborhoods are several decades old, and the pipes are not exactly clean. So what comes out of the tap is not going to be nearly as clean as it was at the filtration plant.

I don't really support bottled water, and use a Pur filter myself, but the facts are important. We are lucky to live in an area with exceptionally clean drinking water.

Randy said...

I live on top of a mountain, so our water comes from a cold little creek somewhere up here-ish. Dasani does taste different though.

Kayte said...

Yay! Bullshit is the best!!!

And yeah, Mountain View in particular has famously good tap water. :]