Saturday, July 28, 2007

military draft.

When i read the prompt for the midterm, i knew exactly what i wanted to write about. I feel that a draft should be put in place at a time like this where there are not enough soldiers who are willing to volunteer themselves into the military. Recruiters try so hard to try and recruit as many people as they can and the past year at my high school, i would see recruiters come at lunch almost every two weeks to try and get students involved with the military but it seemed like most students were not very interested. There would be pull up competitions held by these recruiters at lunch for rewards and this seemed to attract many male students but this contest didn't do much to help recruit these students but this contest did eventually just become a way for guys to show off their power and strength. None of these guys were honestly interested in joining the military and i just felt sorry for the recruiters because each time they came, it was like a complete waste of a time for them.
I was surprised when i got a phone call from the army not too long ago because it wasn't even my house phone they called, it was my cell phone. I was curious as to how they got my cell phone number but i didn't really think of it as much. They kept on trying to ask me what my plans were and why i wouldn't want to join the military and i kept giving them reasons but i realized something about 5 minutes into the phone call and that was that I wasn't an American citizen so i would not be able to join the army even if i wanted to. The recruiter just told me "that's fine then but do you have any friends i can contact to ask them a few questions about the military?" I realized the recruiters were really desperate and i felt bad for them to a certain extent.
Almost everyone knows that these recruiters often give false hope to people by saying they guarantee a successful future and stuff. With a draft, these recruiters don't have to lie about anything and there is no false hope laying out there for anyone. Now to those who are not aware, Korea has a rule where all males must go to the army for a mandatory 2 years and if there is a war going on at that time, then its tough luck and you have to go fight in the war. As a Korean male soon turning 18, i received my letter for the army a couple months ago and i know it is something i have to go to and there is no way out of it. I personally don't really want to go but atleast it doesn't give me any false hopes that after i go to the army, i will be guaranteed college education and a successful future. I think America needs to go back to using the draft because it eliminates any false hope out there and America will be able to have the certain amount of troops it needs to finish the war if it is even possible to finish the war.


Zack said...

If there were a draft for the Iraqi war, I would do everything in my power to avoid it, including leaving the country. Call it un-American or whatever you please, but I am not going to fight to simply satisify my politicians. If we were engaged in real war against a true enemy trying to overtake the world, then I would fight, but I see no reason to fight in something I do not believe in. Yes other countries may have drafts, but there is not the same nationalism in this country. We are taught to think free, and doing so has led to bad thoughts of ourselves and mistrust of our politics. So if there is a draft, you can find me up north.

Sean Park said...

zack can i have your longboard if you leave to the north?

Melody said...

Can you imagine what our country would look like after the president reinstated the draft? Pandemonium, rioting, chaos seems everyone is already against the war, and now someone's telling them they're forced to fight in it?

Canada's immigrant population would explode as we all stampeded north...I think the NSA's shady intelligence-gathering techniques would've figured to seal all the borders. We could, uh...dig an underground tunnel to Iceland instead.

Randy said...

Melody, you're hilarious. Anyway, Sean, you can have my skateboard too after I move up north as well. I don't understand your thought process. Sure, you're right; there is no false hope in the scenario you present, but you are also forced to do something you don't want to do. Something that could endanger your life. No one should be forced to endanger their life. People should be able to live. No one has the right to force them to give that up. Which Korea are you a citizen of? South?

Randy said...

You have to join the army? That's unfortunate, man.

Sean Park said...

im from South Korea. yeah it sucks and its unfortunate and luckily i got an extension but i have to go eventually.