Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Some of you are complaining about how dull of a character Winston is. Are you familiar with the phrase the banality of evil? Even the most cruel and darkest society people don't walk around with horns and a pitchfork. The same holds true for the good guys. They don't have halos and they aren't involved in high speed chases on page too. You guys have been spoiled by fiction and TV; most of life is just routine. Winston doesn't have any ace in the hole; he has to go about his daily life so that he won't starve to death even though he knows that the TP will get him. For those of you who are intrested in other stories that have this level of excitment and darkness (aka the events that inspired him to write this story) read darkness at noon (the purges) or one day in the life of... (gulag). If it simply gets gets too boring for you relax, take a deep breath and remember it is a short book.
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I don't see anyone complaining, but I guess I understand your point?
What can I say... I'm just not a fan of him. Not just because he may be boring, but his thoughts somewhat disturb me. I can't relate to him, so he isn't interesting to me. I'm just saying, if I met a guy like Winston in real life, I wouldn't want to befriend him... I wouldn't even want to talk to him!
In all fairness, I do see where you're coming from... and I am thankful that this is just a short book!
I can see why a lot of people think Winston is a boring person. I agree...if I met someone like him in real life, I probably wouldn't make the effort to get to know him either. But the thing is, Winston isn't from our world. He comes from Orwells's world of turmoil and corruption. I don't think he chooses to be the way that he is. If I was deprived of happiness, truth, and independence, and in addition, aware that I was being robbed of these essentials for a life of contentment, I think I would be moping around just like him. I think that if he was in 2007 vs. 1984, he would have the freedom to express himself and articulate his creativity, knowledge, intellect...and maybe he wouldn't be as boring as we all think he is.
I actually kind of like Winston, and was sad to see him go. Yes he lives a mundane everyday life, but because he is atempting to go against, even question the system, he becomes almost interesting. I'd say if nothing happened in the story, than yes, he would be boring, but many things happen and Winston is the center of the action.
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